Digital Portfolio
Ms. Jeanine
All About Kindergarten!
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
The Importance of Kindergarten
Kindergarten is an exciting and important time in a young student's life. Kindergarten bridges the gap between a child's previous learning experience and the rest of their academic career! It is a wildly exciting time of exploration, both academically and socially. Whether your child has previous school experience or not, kindergarten is a place where young students will learn what it means to problem solve and work with others. We will play - and be better for it! We will create, critique, and publish beautiful work. We will take risks, ask questions, and investigate that which makes us wonder!
So please excuse the mess, we are making memories!!!
What Will We Learn?
Kindergarten Citizens Will...
Understand and use the elements of critique: Kind, Specific, and Helpful
Wonder about things (how/why... questions)
Share ideas and actively listen to others ideas
Work well with partners/small groups (solving problems together)
Build independence
Use the High Tech High 5 Habits of Hearts and Mind: Curiosity, Empathy, Integrity, Confidence, and Reflective
Take risks. Learn from mistakes. When met with failure, persevere.
Understand that we are part of a community, that the community has norms, and that every member is valued
Kindergarten Readers Will:
Work towards reading at Level C/D by the end of the year with fluency and comprehension (retell main events of the story in sequential order)
Understand the Concepts of Print
Identify front/back cover
Read from left to right, top to bottom
Develop Phonemic Awareness
Understand the sound/symbol correspondence
Blend and segment cvc words, onset/rime
Identify initial/medial/final sounds in cvc words
Use decoding strategies such as picture clues and blending sounds
Read sight words, high frequency words, and word family words
Kindergarten Writers Will:
Write simple ideas independently or with some support by...
Making illustrations that match writing
Know all the letters and sounds to use in writing
Blend letter/sounds to use inventive spelling
Learn the conventions of writing including developing use of spaces and end punctuation
Write sight words, high frequency words, and word family words
Kindergarten Mathematicians will:
Read/write numbers 0-20
Accurately count objects to 30
Fluently add/subtract through 5 with automaticity
Add/subtract within 10 using pictures/manipulatives
Name and draw basic shapes
Habits of Heart and Mind
The High Tech "High 5" are five important Habits of Heart and Mind that High tech Elementary students will aim to develop with the support of the High tech community.
The High Tech "High 5" are:
Act Confidently
Have Integrity
Be Empathetic
Be Reflective
Be Curious