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Digital Portfolio
Ms. Jeanine
Kids Corner!
Continuous Learning

Do This Weekly!!!
Read everyday for 20 minutes with a family member. (View this page for tips on reading at home).
Log onto ST Math (more information coming soon).
Reflect with your family about what you are doing in class and about our projects.
What are some highlights?
What are some challenges?
What do you want to know more about?
Literacy Activites

Try these Literacty activities at Home
Discuss books you read with your family.
What was your favorite part? Why?
What was the problem the character's faced and how did they solve it?
What connections do you make to the story?
Practice Letter Sounds, Reading, and Listening to books on one of these awesome websites:
Write!!! Write lists, letters to family or friends, or keep a journal.
Math Games

Play these Math Games with a family member or friend
I Spy! The classic game where one person is the "spier" while the other is the "seeker". They spier finds an object near them they can clearly see, and tells the seeker only what color it is. Then the seeker has to guess what they think the object is. When they guess it, or give up, they switch roles.
Find the Shape! Just like I Spy, look around your environment and try to find something that is a certain shape! You can record the shapes you see in a journal.
Do You See the Pattern? With a partner, try to find patterns aroun your environment. You can record the patterns you see around you!
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