Our First Week!
We made it through our first week of Kindergarten!!! And wow, what an amzing week it was! Our class has been getting to know one another this week through conversations, explorations, and play!
We start every morning with a greeting to say hello to each other, we read a morning message and the daily schedule to find out what the day has in store for us, and we do some movement activities to get our wiggles out!

Each day we have also been exploring our classroom materials with great excitement and enthusiasm! We have been making discoveries about how to use these materials in many expected and novel ways! We have played in our science center, built complex structures with blocks, and read books in the book nook.
We also have had some very special encounters with other members of our school. On Monday and Tuesday afternoons we get to go to Ms. Latanya's Performing Arts class! There we get to play with musical instruments, learn choreography, and try out our singing and dancing skills! It is the highlight of the day for many of us!
On Friday we met our 7th Grade Buddies as well! Throughout the year we will develop relationships with our big buddies as they read to us, teach us new skills, help us with project work, and most importantly, have fun with us! Mr. Mac and his class taught us the Friday Song and we loved it! "Oh Friday is my favorite day...!"
Our class also worked very hard this week to establish our norms for learning, playing and working together safely and respectfully. We discussed how we can be kind friends at school, including how using "Happy Heart Words" can make people in our community feel happy, included and loved. These are words (or phrases) like: "You are nice." "Want to play with me?" "I like your drawing." Be sure to check out our Happy Heart Words display next time you visit our classroom!
We had a truly amazing week! We played with lots of fun materials, familiarized ourselves with our classroom and school, and made new friends along the way. I can't wait to see what next week holds in store for us!